Keeping Your Furry Friends Safe on Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night is a much-anticipated event, filled with spectacular firework displays and crackling bonfires. However, for our four-legged friends, it can be a terrifying experience. The loud noises and bright lights can cause anxiety and stress in dogs. To ensure your beloved pets stay safe and calm during this festive occasion, here are some essential tips to follow.

1. Prepare a Safe Space: Before the celebrations begin, create a safe and quiet space for your dog to retreat to. This can be a cozy room or their crate, furnished with their favorite toys and blankets. Make sure it's well-ventilated and secure.

2. Keep Them Indoors: On Bonfire Night, keep your dog indoors as much as possible. The loud bangs from fireworks can be distressing, and being outside may cause panic or the desire to escape.

3. Update ID and Microchips: Ensure your dog has proper identification, including an up-to-date collar tag and a microchip with current contact details. This is crucial in case your pet does get frightened and runs away.

4. Provide Distraction: Offer engaging toys or treats to help distract your dog from the noise. Chewing on a favourite toy can be comforting and divert their attention.

5. Use Calming Methods: Consider natural calming methods such as pheromone diffusers or calming supplements, which can help reduce anxiety.

6. Keep Curtains Closed: Close curtains or blinds to block the bright flashes of fireworks. Reducing visual stimuli can help your dog feel more secure.

7. Play Soothing Sounds: Playing soothing, familiar sounds or music at a low volume can help drown out the noise from fireworks and create a calming atmosphere.

8. Stay Calm: Your dog may pick up on your anxiety, so try to remain calm and reassuring. Comforting words and cuddles can be a source of security.

9. Avoid Firework Exposure: Never take your dog to a firework display. The proximity to loud explosions can be terrifying, and it's safer to keep them at home.

10. Plan Ahead: Know the dates of nearby firework displays and plan accordingly. If possible, walk your dog earlier in the day to tire them out.


Bonfire Night can be a stressful time for dogs, but with thoughtful preparation and care, you can help them navigate it safely. By providing a calm and secure environment, your furry friend can weather the festivities without fear. Remember, your pet's well-being is the top priority, so make sure they feel protected and loved during this potentially unsettling time. πŸΎπŸŽ‡πŸΆ #DogSafety #BonfireNight #UKPets